If you search for jobs in web development for long enough, you’ll soon notice that one of the names that keeps coming up again and again is AngularJS—both as a standalone specialization and also as a required skill for other jobs. Whether you want to build a career as a dedicated AngularJS pro or simply add it to your web developer’s toolkit, this article will tell you what you need to know to work with Angular.
AngularJS: What is it?
First things first: what is AngularJS? To begin with, as the name implies, it’s based on the JavaScript programming language. Angular is a front-end framework for web development: it provides a standardized way to build web apps quickly, efficiently, and safely. AngularJS runs “on the client side”, meaning that once a user has loaded your web page on her or his end, interactivity and changes to the page are possible without requiring another call to the server: the loaded page is simply rewritten in the browser.Why learn it?
So why is AngularJS so popular? And why might you want to learn it?
First, it’s amazingly powerful and yet (reasonably) beginner-friendly. It lets you create beautiful, efficient front-end experiences for your users without requiring much in the way of back-end knowledge. Second, it’s open source and largely maintained by Google, which means you get the best of both worlds. The biggest name in tech has a vested interest in supporting it, but it’s also free to all and responsive to the needs of its community of developers. Finally, if you’re looking to get into full-stack web development, it’s the front-end part of one of the most popular software stacks around: MEAN (no points for guessing which letter stands for “Angular”). So what are some of the core skills and competencies for an AngularJS developer to learn?